Demon Sayer Corps: Kimetsu no Yaiba Ep13: Cooling down

Sup. I’m alive, yay~

Nah, not really yay, since I’m still not going to do any extra posts(yet), but at least the collab post is still coming out.

And uh, that’s actually about all I want to say before the collab post. Hopefully I’ll actually get the time, energy and drive to finish my own posts sometime, all ye poor people waiting for me to post *good* stuff again.

Anyways, here’s the discussion around episode 13 of Kimetsu no Yaiba!

Purple: Scary cat lady[link to blog]
Red: Slightly less scary cat lady  [link to blog]
Blue: The one that won’t stop waifuing people [link to blog]
Green: A stupid that didn’t join the collab for a while due to dying


1. What are your general thoughts on this episode?

I think this is the first real so-so episode I’ve encountered. Even if a demon got defeated this episode, stuff I suspected got confirmed and there was a recap – although it was somewhat padded out – for most of the 2nd half of the episode.

I really enjoyed this episode overall, though Tanjiro made some stupid decisions. If plot didn’t favour protagonists, that boy would be long dead. But I’ll save my comments for later. It was great seeing Zenitsu evolve and the failed author backstory was, well, intriguing.

This was a fantastic episode. While I was a bit annoyed at the timing of some of the flashbacks, I loved the depth they gave to Kyougai as a character, both his backstory and his Demon Blood Art. He’s such a cool demon, and I kinda wish he played a bigger part in the overall story. The battle scenes were as epic as expected, though. This show really has nailed it.

Overall just your everyday “wrapping up” episodes that won’t look good when compared to other episodes. Still, it was pretty good.

2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it? (If it does) 

Pretty much, although I didn’t expect Zenitsu and Inosuke to come to blows so quickly.

I did not expect Kyougai to have a backstory, and certainly didn’t expect him to already have been a demon in it. Unless the timeline was jumbled when the backstory was presented, he already knew Blood Art when his writing was criticized, which means that he went back to human activities in hopes for literary success even as a demon?

Yeah, pretty much. The battle was super cool, but again, they could probably have timed those flashbacks a bit better.

Literally so far ahead that I didn’t remember Kyogai had a whole backstory. Or that Inosuke was kicking the shit out of Zenitsu.




  • As for what you wanted in ep. 11, Astral…it’s quite hard to pick out what Inosuke says, so if you see the manga page from the Reddit link 2 eps. back, you’ll find out his words should be 猪突猛進 (read chototsu moushin, or “reckless/foolhardy/headlong”). However, it’s a play on the first kanji meaning “boar” so either the translator was completely aware of that and translated with that in mind…or the translator didn’t realise it was a phrase and translated it somewhat literally, because “boar’s sudden frenzied advance” is a bit cumbersome for an exclamation.
  • I still think that “pig assault” makes more sense, since he does wear a boar’s head. Maybe that’s just me being jaded by reading the manga though.

3. What do you expect to happen from here on out?(and why)

More Demon Moons to come in the long run. In the short run, I expect a thorough beating and/or an intense fight for Inosuke.

Next episode sounds like it would be fun. Another mansion! I wonder how Inosuke would get converted by Tanjiro, and I strongly hope it’s not pep talk.

Well, I already know where they’re heading next, so… Exciting things.

I uh, don’t remember. So, stuff is gonna happen I guess.


4. Which scene got the most reaction out of you? (If any at all)

Tanjiro’s anger. That is all.

“Use your head, not just spirit!!!” …And then Tanjiro proceeds to trigger an already dangerous demon. Well, it exasperated me just a bit. Though the results seem to have been favourable, it was more plot armor than strategy. And there I was, thinking that he was finally going to use his head.

I keep saying this, but the battle sequence. I love the way they’ve been using CGI and especially camera angles to make the action breathtakingly intense.



  • Zenitsu went back to being sympathetic but annoying, though.
  • Tanjiro does use his head though, Moya…on Inosuke. (see ep. 14…yes, I couldn’t resist making that pun again.)
  • Somebody needs to teach Tanjiro what “use your head” actually means…


5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?

Kyogai got fleshed out this episode, so I’ll go with him. I didn’t think he was going to be a writer, but his backstory is very short so it’s easy to recap…

Tamayo’s kitty. Listen, cats in anime are so rarely done properly. They either look like a flat-faced fur clump or purr in distasteful “nyaaa”s. But this one~~~ Pulling an Aria: did I ever mention that I love cats?

Inosuke. I think they’ve really nailed his savage, somewhat insane persona, and I really appreciate that.


  • (Pulling an Aria in this case requires multiple exclamation marks and question marks being alternated like this: ?!?!?)


6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why? 

It’s touching more than anything, but Kyogai’s vanquishing. From this, you learn Tanjiro has not only empathy for his targets, but respect for them too.

Zenitsu protecting the box and declaring that he knew its contents.

I’m gonna agree with Moya here, so i’m not reiterating my rants about the action. The first decent thing Zenitsu’s actually done in this series…

Since this is one of the “lesser” episodes, I enjoyed the opening the most, yes, the opening song.


  • Yes, Tanjiro was a good and sympathetic boy, but I got a bit of a laugh from the fact that Kyougai thought his writing was being appreciated. Speaking of his backstory, wow, somebody can actually make an autobiography of a samurai-loving demon drummer boring? Kyougai should really have focused on being a musician instead (maybe he would have won the fight if he did).
  • I’m sure if you gave it to Ubisoft, they’d do a fine job of that…


7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point) 

The final shot before the ED. Ufotable has started to run out of budget…

I’ve commented on my pet peeves in other sections.

The flashbacks… they were a bit slow, and could have been integrated better, I feel.

Gotta have the highs and lows, but I feel like there’s a lack of cohesion between the 2D and 3D this episode.


8. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?

Did Tanjiro seriously stand there watching Zenitsu get beaten up for 30 seconds to a minute? I’d pick a better time for processing emotions.

Inosuke woulda been straight deadzo. Nobody messes with Nezuko!


9. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot)


Now this is how you do CGI integration! Also, it’s cool how Tanjiro made the water frame the shot.


Footsteps like bullets.


This is the kind of thing Ufotable really knows how to do. Dynamic action shots with tons of depth, and that water animation is just fantastic.

kimetsu no yaiba opening 1

Since the episode was slower, let’s have some greatness from the opening instead. If you watched carefully, you would see that while other side character’s appearance in the opening are static shots in places, Tomoya and Yushiro’s appearance has the whole “moving” aesthetic. This is likely a reference to how they are hiding from Muzan and moving from place to place while trying in their own way to help.


10. In 10 words, summarise what you want to say about this episode. 

Kyogai got to rest

While Tanjiro got a test

Of familial love.

(Fun fact before I forget about it: The Legend of the Eight Samurai Tanjiro refers to in the Taisho Secret appears to be Nansou Satomi Hakkenden…if that name sounds vaguely familiar, that’s because there’s an anime based on it called Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East.)

Amen, the chivalry of a failed author.

Life lesson: Don’t write books.

Respecc creators or you will get the axe instead.

Demon S(l)ayer Corps Collab Ep 3 is out!

Whoo! I’m late on the promotion because I completely forgot about it but uh, it’s there so go read it!!!

Big bright link so you won’t miss it. Click it! Read it! Enjoy it! Then like it! And…possibly read our future posts?

Listen, I know we are late but I’m trying my best to push everything along as fast as possible, Astral’s becoming less and less active probably due to his coming surgeries(EVEN THOUGH HE’S STILL PLAYING GAMES) and yea, hard to push things along when he’s just barely participating >.>

Anyways, hope you enjoy reading this week’s episode, I don’t have time to put a smiling picture so just imagine it yourself this time :>

See you all next episode….probably on Astral’s blog.

Demon Sayer Corps(collab)[And announcements]: Kimetsu no Yaiba Ep2: Obligatory training arc

Hello my lovely people! Obviously, before I officially start the post, I need to address some things.

First would be the fact that my blog got to 100 followers! Whoo!

umaru celebrations
Obligatory himouto gif.

I’m honestly very thankful to all of you, and I never thought this would happen, really. Someone like me, who takes ages to get even one post out still have people who want to read what I write. I hope I’ll continue to write enjoyable posts for you to read.
*It’s also the 2nd year anniversary of the blog, mini-celeberation whoo…
**If you were expecting more from the celebrations, I’m sorry. I really can’t think of anything unique to write for now. When I think of it, I’ll make a seperate post for you all to enjoy.

And second, is going to be addressing the collab. I know, we are late and yada yada, but it really can’t be helped. Just trying to get a collab with Astral going alone is tough, imagine doing it with 4 people. The situation this time is–Astral is still in a bad condition due to his neck, and Moya went to a certain place for a vacation and didn’t get wifi……and then she got an eye surgery as well, which is why she is not participating in this particular episode.
If you were me you would be shouting “WHY THE HECK IS HALF THE COLLAB GETTING SURGERIES AND SHIT” But well we pushed this out in the end so eh, forgive us please?
And yes, if you are reading the actual collaboration contents after this, Astral did not participate in the discussions at all. ;/

Anyways, that’s about all the stuff out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff already, geez.


Purple: Aria/Magicconan [link to blog]
Red: Moya Haha good joke she’s not here amirite hehe…kill me  [link to blog]
Blue: That one Astral boy [link to blog]
Green: Me, of course
Black: Also me, but right now instead of in the past.

1. What are your general thoughts on this episode?[Mandatory]

Very nice ~ ufotable is doing god’s work again, and I am thoroughly impressed and entertained. And of course, all the events that happened in this episode felt like ages ago…(maybe because it was ages ago?)

Same thoughts as last time, really…good job for a good source material, but the CGI is still kinda obvious. Zooming out doesn’t fool me, Ufotable…!

I thought it was a great episode. As always, the visuals are fantastic, the OST is great, very reminiscent of Fate and Kara no Kyoukai. The CGI was pretty well done this episode, though, as always, Ufotable are masters of disguising CGI.


  • I think Aria is alone this time. Heh. プライアジムさん大勝利!
  • (I’ll have you know I pride myself on my uniqueness of opinion, thanks.)

2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it?(If it does) [Mandatory]

Definitely. First, the use of 3DCGI was much less obvious this time, as expected, seems snow scenes are definitely the culprit. Second, the OST was a really awesome blend between traditional instruments and modern music styles, as I would have wanted, and finally, the camera angle, ways action scenes worked, how the general flow went, all definitely reminds me of Fate no matter whichever we look at. Of course, it’s still Kimetsu no Yaiba, but the general good vibes and amazement you would feel from watching Fate is present.

Pretty much. Again, this is stuff I’ve seen in the manga, with the addition of cool angles on the dodging of the traps, the wisps to visually convey the smells and better conveying of Nezuko’s size-changing ability (that’s 3 differences…which is, admittedly, more than episode 1’s 2 differences).

So good. I came into this series really hoping for a great action shounen show, and this definitely doesn’t disappoint. The little fun, comedic moments interspersed throughout the episode help break up some of the darker tones, and the story, while seemingly progressing pretty quickly, flows really well so far. Really looking forward to what’s next.


  • Aria actually reminded me, I don’t actually remember too many details of the front chapters anymore, mostly because of how deep I am in, but seeing her compare the differences just made me appreciate the episode more. And Astral’s comments were good as well, reminded me of when I first started reading the manga.

3. What do you expect to happen from here on out?(and why) [Mandatory]

Oh, after this it’s going to be *spoiler* and then *more spoilers* and Tanjiro is going to *does this remind you of Endgame spoilers perhaps?* and *bleep* is going to *bleep*. Overall, there’s going to be much more of *bleep* and you might just *I’ll get mobbed if I show this*.

I know what I know of the source material is going to run out sooner or later, so lemme talk about my expectations in the long run…Urokodaki trains Tanjiro, we run into Giyu Tomioka again and those guys from the OP appear (because let’s face it, this OP probably spoils a bunch of stuff). I mean, I already know from ANN the pig-headed guy’s name is Inosuke, so if we’re not all like Ply and censoring everything (which is no fun), I’m going to learn spoilers just from seeing these characters animated.

I’d love to see Tanjiro and Nezuko learning and growing as the series progresses. I’m already a fan of these characters, so i’m looking forward to what abilities they learn, and the growth they experience over the course of the series.


  • Look, if I didn’t censor the stuff you probably would have killed me, along with a bunch of other anime-onlys. As for your comments on the OP Aria, that applies to almost every opening, haha.

4. Which scene got the most reaction out of you? (If any at all)

Nezuko kicking the demon’s head off. If J-League is looking for more star players they know who to look for 😉

The next-ep preview. I skipped it last time, so I didn’t expect it to be voiced manga panels like a 2.5D manga.

Chibi Nezuko!! So adorable!!!


  • Yes, the next-ep preview was amazing this time.

5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?

Our boy Tanjirou. He’s such a good boy. I just want to pet him sometimes.

For some reason, I interpret the entire demon fight from this episode as comedic (even when I read the manga), so…Weird Head Demon it is. I mean, the entire scenario is kinda stupid because his head has arms and yet when he needed them, he didn’t use them…and that’s what got him stuck.

Urokodaki (is that his name?) was cool. Very mysterious, and leaves me wondering at the reason behind his mask. That said, he seems pretty brutally competent and generally awesome, so i’m looking forward to seeing more of him.


  • The demon essentially grew arms but he needed to use them to walk, hence why he used his hair instead. And I assume when he controlled his hair he ceased to to able to uh…control his arms properly? It’s like how if you use your right arm to do something enough you won’t think to use your left arm to do the same thing if you can’t use your right arm. Maybe.

6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why? [Mandatory]

This might be a weird choice but Nezuko popping her head out of the ground at the start instantly got my mind into overdrive thinking about how that is the perfect image for a discord emote. She’s so cute. Oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but we got to take a look at the ending. It’s great! Unique aesthetics as well as a good song, and honestly more Fate vibes. And of course, the preview section was really well done as well with the Taisho secrets being mixed into it.(Taisho secrets is a section in the bonus chapters of the manga where they deliver some interesting but out of main plot stuff)

Again, demon fight. It gave me a gem of a comment in my notes: “When all you have is a hatchet…use your head. (LOL)”

I’m gonna say either the shy Nezuko hiding in the hole, or the trap scene. On one hand, nezuko is just so cute. On the other hand, though, I loved the animation and cinematics used in that trap scene, it was just so epic looking.


  • *cough* Astral copied me again *cough* Also, I like how fixated Aria is on Tanjirou’s head…has she discovered a new fetish?
  • Hey! A few questions back, it was the demon’s head. This is the first time I’ve mentioned Tanjiro’s (I went and checked with Ctrl + F).
  • So it’s true…you like heads.
  • Talking about heads doesn’t necessarily mean you have a fetish for them. In this case, I don’t, at least.

7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point) [Mandatory]

Could use more action but eh, we’re just at the start, no rush for that yet. I’ll wait for when the action picks up.

This ep is very much set-up. I know it’s not “entire training arcs” bad, but it’s the worst you can get for 2 eps’ worth of content…(then again, it comes with the territory.)

The one thing i didn’t really understand is why Nezuko suddenly passed out and was unconscious at the end of the episode. She went from climbing back in the basket to being asleep, and it doesn’t seem to make much sense…


  • …you’ll see Astral, you’ll see.

8. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?

If I were in Urokodaki’s place, since I don’t know what training Giyu’s been put through and thus trust the guy less than the real Urokodaki would, I’d probably disregard the letter and mind my own business. I know that’s a bit of a copout since we’ll probably see Giyu’s training later, but that’s my answer at this stage.


  • I didn’t really think of anything this time so I left it blank, but look, Aria answered! Yay! And she wanted to not care about something that happened? :think:
  • Well, not doing something is a choice as well.

9. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot) [Mandatory]


I have found another desktop wallpaper. This is beautiful. (There’s another one for when they come back from mid-episode break)

(Cue snark:

Anyways, the real answer would be this:
ooyt9saI just really like how the moon is framed by the trees.


Gotta be this scene. Watching Nezuko just kick the dude’s head off weas equal parts hilarious and epic.


  • *For context, that is my discord avatar.
  • I was laughing real hard when I gave Tatsumaki the command to make that meme ( t!beautiful Plyasm ). Can you tell?

10. In 10 words, summarise what you want to say about this episode. (A good joke question?) [Could also be a haiku or other things of that creative nature, Mandatory]

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Tanjirou is indecisive,

And I am t-wait, should I really do this joke? Maybe I should have just stuck with the 10 words summary, hmmm.

Long path to slaying

Starts with trip down the mountain –

“Don’t lose your way, boy!”

(…this haiku’s syllables seems a bit more forced in comparison to the last one, huh?)

The only thing better than an imouto is an imouto you can fit into a backpack…


  • I don’t understand how haikus work so I’ll just say my poem was better this time than Aria’s haiku.
  • *shrugs shoulders* English in a Japanese artform is kinda unwieldy, especially considering “Tanjiro” is 3 syllables, “Urokodaki” is 5 (“Sakonji” is 3), “Kamado” is 3 (so “the Kamado siblings” is a 5 syllable line) and “Nezuko” is 3 – basically, I’m listing these to prove you end up forcing words to work. “Giyu” is 2 though, so that’s kinda easier to use…
  • …Also, I wanted to make a Kill la Kill pun here somewhere, but I haven’t watched KlK (blame licensing for that) and the passerby’s line doesn’t really match the KlK line anyway, so my joke was rendered moot.

And that’s about it for this episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba. I hope you enjoyed reading, and I’m really out of time(because I’m writing this post last minute because I was busy), so…

See y’all next(soon)! The next one will probably be posted by Aria.

Collaboration on Kimetsu no Yaiba!

Hello everyone! I know all of us are late here, but we’ve managed to put out our first post on Kimetsu no Yaiba. The person that is posting for episode 1 is Moya! Read it via the link here.
[Collaboration members: Me, Moya, Astral, Aria/Magicconan]

Now, the reason why our collaboration took so long to come out(Kimetsu no Yaiba is already on episode 3 ain’t it…) is because of many different reasons, mostly to do with our real life. Aria had to go on a trip to Japan that she had scheduled(she was originally meant to be the poster for episode 1) and the idiot of a man who is named Astral has managed to get himself a health issue. Again. [Please pray for his recovery though]

Either way, at least we managed to get it out right? Sorry that I’m the only one promoting it for now, given I’m the least followed(and probably least liked ;< ) one out of all of us, but Aria is currently probably in or en route to Japan and Astral is…hopefully not dying. I do expect them to put out promotional posts sometime.

The collaboration this time is a vastly modified and probably enhanced version of the current collaborations between me and Astral, in that we still have common questions, but they are different and we get to discuss about it right after we respond to the questions! Yay! So it’s more like a “state your opinion and discuss” forum type. Hopefully, Kimetsu no Yaiba is popular enough to grab all y’all’s attentions and entertain you.

That’s it for the promotional post this time! I’ll leave you all with a smiling screenshot(as is the tradition for promotional posts) and PLEASE GIVE US ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT THIS TIME AS WELL!

Our precious boy.


*Side information no one needs to know: I’m so happy this came through, Kimetsu no Yaiba is such a good series. I’m the only one out of all 4 of us to have read the manga.

Collaboration: Dororo Episodes 11 & 12: I can’t believe we won’t be able to hear the OP anymore (AND ANNOUNCEMENT)


Ignore the fact that we went 3 weeks without a post. Or rather, don’t because obviously you can see that there’s been nothing for 3 weeks. Or maybe you can’t because you don’t read my posts? ARGH!

Well, either way, the excuse this time is that I was too busy. Don’t worry, we’ll catch up.
(Episodes 11 & 12 of Shield Hero was great too, check it out here!)


Right, now those of you who want to leave can leave now.

(Please don’t leave ;.;)

dororo it was gone.PNG

*cough* Gotta get the post going. You know the drill by now.

The legend:
Can’t believe I got so busy we didn’t post for 3 weeks
Can’t believe he tried to bully me for 3 entire weeks while I was too busy
Someone writing a post at midnight yet again

1. What are your general thoughts for this episode?

Very nice. Animations continue to be at the quality you can expect from studio Mappa, and the plot has definitely thickened to a high. I can’t wait till I watch episodes 13 & 14.

Wow… it’s been a few days and i’m still reeling from this set of episodes. I mean seriously… and I thought the Mio arc was intense. The confrontation of feelings and emotions that has been brewing for 12 episodes finally reaches a peak as Hyakkimaru finds himself face-to-face with his family. And wow… I really can’t describe with words how absolutely fantastic these episodes were. Both of these episodes had me absolutely on the edge of my seat, and i’m so very excited that we’ll be getting another 12 episodes!!!


As Astral said, we would be getting another 12 episodes. That’s right, not only is Shield Hero having another 12 episodes, so is Dororo. Our journey with Hyakkimaru is not over yet! I’m so glad it’s a two-cour and not a rushed one-cour.

2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it?(If it does)

It fit my expectations! We saw Hyakkimaru vs his father, and even more than that, Hyakkimaru vs his brother as well. His mother continues to be the poor soul tormented by her guilt, and I didn’t expect her to stab herself at the end.

I knew a confrontation was coming. I’ve seen the signs for weeks now. But never did I imagine things would escalate this far, or end up this crazy. From heart wrenching drama to breathtaking action, these were a couple episodes to remember.

This series has continuously blown our minds away with each episode, and I think it’ll probably not change going into the second half, knowing MAPPA.

3. How does this episode compare to the source material? [Only for stuff seen/read before]

I expect some sort of explanation or more exploration into what the goddess of mercy has been doing, and how it relates to that statue, and we hopefully will get more thicc plot.

I don’t even know anymore. After a climax like this, I can’t even fathom where things can possibly go anymore.

Wow, Astral just gave up using his brain altogether. To be expected, but still, I’m disappointed.

4. Which scene do you think other people would react to differently?

Probably to Tahomaru’s decisions to fight his brother. He turned his sword against his brother as well as his own morals.

What would other people react to differently, huh…? That’s a tough one. I think… well, I for one was initially upset at Tahomaru’s decision to oppose Hyakkimaru, but after thinking it over, I do kind of understand where he’s coming from, even if I don’t like it much. Maybe that’s just me overthinking things though.

Wow, OK, I honestly didn’t expect Astral to have been able to come up with reasoning like this, but it seems, ladies and gentlemen, that Astral does indeed have the bare minimum of intelligence.

5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?

I really like Tahomaru over these two episodes, to be completely honest. He did what he had to do in order to bring the greater happiness to his people. His utilitarianism is arguable, but he did what he believed was right, even going as far as to brandish his blade against his own brother. He has also seen quite a bit of character growth, from being sheltered to making an important decision despite it being against his personal morals, he has truly grown.


Hyakkimaru really shone in these episodes. It’s always great when he gets character development, but when it rains, it pours. His growth, his thoughts about his newly-discovered family… everything is just piling on each other, and he really grew a lot just through these episodes.

Not much to comment here, he didn’t really make a bad choice, Hyakkimaru has indeed been through a lot and grown a lot.

6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why?

The fights against the fox spirit thingy was definitely the high, in terms of visuals and animations but for the high of plot point I would choose Hyakkimaru’s mother stabbing herself, as well as the greenish reveal of the goddess statue. What does that colouring mean?

Man, seeing Hyakkimaru fight is always a high point, but the fight between him and Tahomaru, though short, was definitely a highlight. So many emotions and tensions were swirling during this scene, it was both well-written, and well-choreographed.

Oooh, I completely missed that scene. I was too busy thinking about Tahomaru’s decision to appreciate the swordplay between the two. RIP Tahomaru’s right eye though.

7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point)

Low point would definitely be animations for certain scenes but hey, we can’t have everything, sacrifices has to be made(JUST LIKE HYAKKIMARU HOHO)

Honestly, I wouldn’t change anything at all. It was perfect.

8. What situation/decision/action is the most relatable to you in this episode and why?

None really, but the utilitarianism being perpetrated throughout by both Daigo and Tahomaru and even his mother is something I can feel. A lot of times, if you are in a authoritative position, you are forced to make decisions that go against morals “for the greater good”. It may not be something you like, and you might feel shit about doing it, but sometimes you just gotta do it.

That’s another tough one… With everything that went down in just two episodes, it’s hard to pick just one point to touch on.

….so? Just list them, dammit! Instead of giving us nothing to go on…

9. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?

If I was tahomaru, honestly, I would have done the same, given the same circumstances. To make an entire country suffer just because of your own selfish moral high ground sounds…bad. (Please don’t scold me ;.;)

I think the situation that really took me the most by surprise was when Hyakkimaru’s mother betrayed him by breaking the final seal on the demons. All through the show so far, we’ve seen examples of strong women, from Mio’s kindheartedness, taking in so many kids and caring for them as a mother would, to Dororo’s mother sacrificing her body and strength for her daughter’s sake. I think in Hyakkimaru’s mind, this had built up an impression of what a “Mother” should be, yet when he finally found his own, she cast him aside. If I were Hyakki… I probably would have broken down pretty bad, then.

????????????????????????What? Hyakkimaru’s mother broke the seal on the demons? What’s Astral on about now?

10. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot)

Is this Kurama?

I loved this sequence. The power of her words combined with the music, and the framing, was just excellent.

Iz good choice. I can’t even say anything bad about it.

Well, that’s it for the post for this time, look forward to the collaboration coming soon!
Thank you all for reading!!!!!

Collaboration:The Rising of the Shield Hero Episodes 9 & 10: Building up for that climax


shield hero melty.PNG
Thank you all for tuning in!

Me and Astral and finally almost caught up with the current episodes! Wow! I’m surprised that it only took us this long, really. Both of us are busy as hecc and we are both taking turns to be busy and stuffs so hey, I’m glad we finally almost caught up. Just 1 episode behind now.(which is actually what we want, so people can digest the episode before we release the posts, just that we don’t want it to be this long)

Either way, Dororo episodes 9 & 10 were great. See Astral’s post(link here)[I’m an idiot because I forgot to put in the link yet again….]. Do it!!!! There was a shocking reveal too.
And of course, Shield Hero is not that far behind either. These two episodes were great too in their own right.

Now then, let’s just get on with the post shall we?
(I’m trying a new type of formatting to make it look just a teeny bit better, hope it works!)

The legend:
A busy person
A busy and stupid person
A busy person rushing out with writing this post

1. What are your general thoughts for this episode?

Episodes 9 and 10, in general, are a buildup of tension and background knowledge while the real climax comes. Each episode does have its story, and for some reason they are still quite addictive to watch, but they both play bigger roles in the general scheme of things. If you actually paid attention to all the things that happened in these two episodes, you would realise that something big is brewing. And that something is coming soon. I expect episode 11-13 to be the biggest climax for the series yet, due to my prior knowledge of what’s to come. Either way, well done Kinema Citrus, I can’t wait for the next episodes.

As always, I really do love this show. It’s turned out to be a whole bundle of fun, and i’m really glad to see one of my favorite LN series taking shape. We finally got to see Melty as well, thich is fantastic!! I love Melty, and I definitely can’t wait to see some more of her in the future.

Oh no. Astral is going to put his hands on another girl. How dare you switch waifus so easily!!!
*press F to pay respects to the abandoned Raphtalia

2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it?(If it does)

Fits my expectations well. Animations returned back to consistently good, and music is finally getting used more. ❤ Kevin Penkin.

Honestly, i’d been waiting for Melty to come into the scene for a while now. It’s been a while in the works, but I was definitely satisfied with how it ended up.

**press F to pay respects to the abandoned Raphtalia

3. How does this episode compare to the source material? [Only for stuff seen/read before]

Very good adaptation, yet again. The confrontation with the two heroes was very well done, and at the same time, it’s a reflection for us. Underneath every isekai fantasy we’ve watched, haven’t there been villagers/common people suffering from the thoughtless “hero” actions that the protagonists do?

Kinema Citrus is doing a great job sticking to the source material. As far as I can recall, it’s pretty much identical, which i’m just loving. Sticking so faithfully to the original work, it’s giving me such nostalgia, in a good way.

I don’t trust mine or Astral’s memories. There’s probably some discrepancy that the smart folks have figured out that we can’t. Sooooooo. If any of you noticed anything different, just say it below!

4. Which scene do you think other people would react to differently?

Hmm. Probably to the confrontation with the other heroes. I nodded my head when Ren admitted his mistake and realised the consequences of his actions. Good boi Kirito.

You know, I think some people might be pretty upset at how Naofumi treated Melty, who obviously really wanted to help him out. But honestly, I think that, given his past experiences with the Royal family, he’s god(got, you idiot) good reason to be suspicious when one suddenly is trying to help him.

I agree with Astral, and I actually talk about it in question 5. Honestly, I’ve not talked about this yet, but I really like the opposite sides of the isekai story we are so used to being shown in Shield Hero.

5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?

Melty!!!! She’s great. There’s a reason why she’s the preferred next in line ruler for a matriarchal country, and she displays all the proper qualities of a ruler. Can’t wait to see more of her.

It’s so good to see Melty finally taking her place in the series. She’s a super fun character, and I really can’t wait to see more from her, especially given the contrast between her and her slut of a sister.

Ok, but for real though, Melty>Malty. Melty is a great character, and she is a refreshing change of the royal family for now, until you see more of the queen, who has already shown how great she is.

6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why?

When Naofumi encountered the Church of Three Heroes as well as when Melty wanted to chat with him after coming clean as a princess. His reactions are all very justified after everything that has happened to him. In fact, I would not have liked this series if he somehow got around to forgiving the royalty for all that has happened to him.

The high point was definitely seeing Motoyasu get rekt in the crotch (again). It’s just… so satisfying.

Ah yes, he got a groin guard and everything and still got destroyed. Very nice.

7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point)

Seeing Malty’s face again. B I T C H.

Well, the animation quality seems to have taken a bit of a dip these couple of episodes, but you know what that means? Some juicy good stuff is definitely on the way.

I can’t agree. The consistency is better.

8. What situation/decision/action is the most relatable to you in this episode and why?

Again, when he rejected the conversation with Melty. I too, would refuse to talk with someone with a negative feeling inside of me.

I liked how Naofumi is slowly having a group of people realizing that he’s actually a pretty good guy. The young soldiers who joined up with him are pretty chill, and I’m glad they were able to look past their prejudices and the rumors, to see who he really is.

Ah yes. Rumours can only go so far. Especially if the rumour is just completely not true.

9. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?

Confronting the two heroes on their “deeds”. I would definitely try to make Itsuki understand that what he’s doing has real consequences and not just a game where if you win a fight you get good stuff.

It’s always kind of painful to see how poorly Naofumi is treated. He managed to keep his cool (with some help) after being snubbed by the nuns at the hourglass, but i’m not sure that I would have. At some point, enough is just enough, you know?

Ooooh? Astral admitting to having anger management issues. That’s not good.

10. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot)



I chose this scene because this character is going to be very important. And the scene made it out to be so as well. Look forward to it!!!



I picked this one based not off of “beauty” but more just how adorable it is. Filo is so happy to have a friend, and Melty genuinely cares about Filo, too. Very heartwarming and wholesome.

Wow, Astral the pragmatic screenshot chooser. So good.(not)

Scene is good though.

Well, that’s all I have for now, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut be sure to look out for episode 11 that will be on Astral’s blog. Both series are really heating up now!

See you next week!(hopefully)

Collaboration: Dororo Episodes 7 & 8: Dororo never ceases to amaze


Hihi! Very sorry for the late release. Astral was busy for a bit, and then I was busy for a bit, and things just ended up being dragged till now. Either way, what matters is that we made it here, right?…right?
*Hopefully this never happens again.

Before we begin, if you want to check out the reviews for episodes 7 & 8 of Shield Hero, the link to that post is here!(Click it! Check it out!)[Will update once Astral’s post comes up]

Now, after the great episode 5 & 6 for Dororo, it really is quite hard to top that. The emotional value and quality of animations for those episodes were just spectacular. And yet, episodes 7 & 8 does not disappoint and still amaze me in different ways.

To fill in more details, it’s time to bring out the questions!

Some boi
Me as I’m painstakingly editing this post to hopefully get people to comment :<


  1. What are your general thoughts for this episode?
    Very nice episodes. 2 seperate stories, with episode 7 linking up much more to episode 6 than 8. However, they each have their good merits, and the flaws of episode 7 were complimented nicely in episode 8.
    I freaking love this show. While episode 7 wasn’t quite what I felt I needed after the insane ride that was the previous episodes, Episode 8 brought it right back into form, and I seriously just love this show so much. The characters are so good, the animation is unbelievably good, and the artstyle is lovely. There’s almost too much to comment on, but it’s all amazing.

    I have to agree with Astral here. Dororo did so much right in episode 8. Well worth the slight dip in quality in episode 7.
  2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it?(If it does)
    Well, apparently the lord and his “new son” can wait. For now, we continue on with Dororo and Hyakkimaru’s journey. To be honest, this makes me really think there’s going to be 24 episodes. Which would be amazing. Please, MAPPA?
    Like I stated above, Episode 7 was a bit of a letdown for me. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it didn’t quite do it for me… but Episode 8 made up for that pretty well, so it’s all good.
    Astral is a spoiled kid!!!!!
    For real though, I can’t find any problems with these two episodes. There are some issues with episode 7, but honestly, it isn’t that big and are easily complimented by what episode 8 achieved. So yea, I can’t understand why he would think that way.
  3. What do you expect to happen from here on out?(and why)
    Can’t even guess now. But I hope to see much more good stuff like what has been given to us so far.
    At this point, I don’t even know anymore. I thought maybe we’d see more of Hyakki’s father/brother in these episodes, but that certainly wasn’t the case. Maybe the spider lady will come back at some point? Maybe a stretch, but that would be cool.
    Oooh, I would love if we can see some of the previous characters again in some way. I agree with Astral on this one.
  4. Which scene do you think other people would react to differently?
    Probably to the spider ghoul’s relationship with the man. To me, it feels very surreal, and is actually a sharp contrast to what was shown in episode 6, which is humans being cruel to other humans. In their relationship, they have shown the fact that even monsters are just trying to live(some of them) and not all of them wants to kill others. Yes, there are also “good” monsters.
    This is one i’m not sure about. Maybe i’ll ask a question instead… was it ok for them to let the demon spider go? Not only does she have something that belongs to Hyakkimaru, but also consumes human vitality. Though she seems to be changed, or at least not your typical demon… what do you guys think?
    Pretty sure the spider was just a ghoul and not a demon. There are ghouls and demons in the world, and they are different. I think.
  5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?
    Saru. I like the way he speaks(not your normal Japanese speaking) as well as his relationship with the nee-chan. His entire existence reminds me of “The Jungle Book”, unironically. Just a very nice character overall, and definitely the better of the kids when compared against a certain Dororo.
    Man, this show really has a pair of powerhouse lead characters. Both Hyakkimaru and Dororo are just so great to watch. Every episode it’s very difficult to choose between them, since they’re both very interesting and mysterious in their own ways. But, that’s a good thing.
    Astral the big cop out boi!
  6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why?
    Hyakkimaru recognising the relationship between the spider ghoul and the man, as well as the fight against the centipede demon. First up, seeing the spider ghoul’s soul change colours from red to a lukewarm orange from Hyakkimaru’s vision was just heartwarming. Second of, HOLY SHIT, I cannot believe they hand animated the freaking centipede. That shit is long and large, the amount of work put into it must have been insane. All the budget saving from episode 7 definitely went into episode 8.
    That demon fight in episode 8 was A+ golden sakuga with a side of whipped cream. Watching that enormous thing flowing so smoothly was just… Mwah! So good! The animators at MAPPA seriously need a raise for what they’re doing in this show.
    Just remember, someone had to hand animate that. Not use a poor modeled 3DCGI, they had to draw every leg of the centipede, every inch of it’s body. Geez.
  7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point)
    Although I personally did not mind it, the animation and pace in episode 7 was not the best. But, as said above, these kinds of episodes have to happen in order for episodes like episode 8 to happen too. Not every studio has all the budget in the world.(*cough* ufotable *cough*)
    Episode 7 was a bit slow for me, i’m not sure why. I still enjoyed it, but it felt like there was a bit too much excess downtime where characters were just kinda standing around doing nothing.
    Again, Astral is right here, but can’t blame MAPPA.
  8. What situation/decision/action is the most relatable to you in this episode and why?
    Can I be pretentious here and say the man’s decision to save the monster? No? Damn.
    Alright, I can relate to Dororo not killing the spider ghoul. Clearly, she is not a threat to the people around her based on everything that has happened so far.
    I really loved the scene where Dororo was talking to Saru about his parents, and comforting him. We don’t know what’s really up with Dororo’s folks, but seeing the poor kid crying silently later on was so touching…
    Aww. At least Astral has a heart.
  9. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?
    If I was the man, I would honestly not stick around the spider ghoul. I mean, sure she has proven herself to be nice after all, but at that particular moment when she first revealed herself, I would be scared. Plus, I honestly don’t believe in the same things as the man. He has a very idealistic view.
    I won’t question the guy who picked up the Spider lady. After all, finding a sickly woman collapsed at the side of the road… I think a lot of people would be tempted to help. However, after finding out she’s a demon monster who sucks people’s souls? I’m not sure if I’d have been able to stick around with her after that…
    Seems like oddly, we both thought of the same thing this time.
    *I swear we didn’t look at each other’s answers when we wrote this.
  10. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot)



Same as last time! We had the wheat field, and now we have a cliffside pathway. Also, this scene came directly after something…



I just love the shading on the rocks, the layered steam in the air, all contrasted in front of the blue sky.

Astral chose a nice screenshot, that’s for sure.

And now for something I couldn’t fit into the question and answer format!

I CANNOT believe Hyakkimaru said Dororo’s name. I died for a moment and came back when he said it. That was so good!!!!!!!!!

Like, I’m actually in blissful shock right now. That was really good.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to more Dororo and writing about it.

And hopefully this time we wouldn’t be late, heh.

Tell us what you thought about these two episodes yourself below!

Collaboration: The Rising of the Shield Hero Episode 5&6: Introducing…bird waifu!

Hihi. Before anything else, I would first like to apologise for the late post. We had a minor miscommunication and therefore the posts got split apart instead of posted at the same time 😡

Well, these two episodes were a return to form for Shield Hero, while Dororo reached a minor peak. If you want to know what I mean, check out the Dororo review post here.
I’m honestly hurting inside just thinking about it.

Enough rambling, on with the episode(s?) review!

shield hero motoyasu balls.PNG
Astral gives me a huge headache sometimes…

As always, the legend:

That one guy that somehow got himself a concussion but still plays games anyways
Also me

  1. What are your general thoughts for this episode?
    Good episodes. I feel like the pacing has at last stabilised. The introduction of Filo to Naofumi’s party was smooth and natural, and so far, the supporting cast has been great as well. It’s overall, nothing spectacular, but very good nonetheless.
    All I can really say is that i’m extremely pleased with the adaptation so far. They’re doing such a good job bringing each of these characters and scenarios to life on the screen… it’s absolutely lovely, seriously. Overall, I think our delay actually worked in our favor, as these two episodes work pretty well in tandem, helping us get acquainted with Filo, the loveable-yet-slightly-annoying bird loli.He’s learnt to use big words! I repeat, he has learnt to used big words!!
  2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it?(If it does)
    Definitely fit my expectations. Not much to say here other than that.
    Filo is about exactly as I expected her to be, honestly… Adorable, slightly annoying, and overall an unstoppable bundle of energy. The show still looks great, sounds great, and is just fun to watch, honestly.


    How dare you say Filo is annoying. She’s great! She brings much needed energy to the kinda depressing duo and she’s also good for bringing out more jealousy from Raphtalia. I bet you just find her annoying because you love your racoon waifu way too much, you creep.

  3. What do you expect to happen from here on out?(and why) [Only for stuff never seen before]
    I only faintly remember Filo’s arrival, and mostly what happened after she got into Naofumi’s party, to be honest. It was a good adaptation, that’s for sure, and they did a good job at bringing her to the screen. I…don’t quite remember Naofumi and Motoyasu having to do a race to decide the lord of the village…I feel stupid. Any confirmations from people that have read the source please?

    As I mentioned before, they’re doing a great job with this adaptation. As a big fan of the source material, i’ve been extremely pleased with each subsequent episode… and I don’t see that changing anytime soon, to be honest.

    Guess we are both looking at this with some rose tinted lenses. Hopefully our reviews don’t seem too subjective!

  4. Which scene do you think other people would react to differently?
    Seeing filo in human form for the first time. I’m sure most of you rolled your eyes and thought it was just fanservice. I mean, it is fanservice, but it is fanservice that has a purpose and drives the plot forward so….it’s good fanservice 😉
    I think some people might be a bit annoyed with how Naofumi kind of escapes the traditional “hero” archetype. He’s not always in it to save people, he always expects a reward, and has no problem exploiting or extorting people to get what he wants… But I like that about him.Ah, yes. Totally forgot about this because I’m actually used to protagonists that aren’t your conventional “Oh yes let’s save the world just because” kinda people. I mean, after all, my favourite protagonist is Tanya, who is quite the anti-hero protagonist…if you can even call her a protagonist.
  5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?
    Smith bro.
    “How big a bite can she make anyways?” Famous last words.
    RIP baguette sandwich, you looked really good too…
    At this point, do I even need to answer this question? Obviously, it’s still Raphtalia. I mean, she’s basically the greatest thing to ever grace this planet… But in all seriousness, it’s good to see someone not only supporting Naofumi, but truly understanding him. Her willingness to stand up for him, not to mention her determination to get him to actually look her way, is just fantastic.

  6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why?
    Got to be the racing. It shows just how oblivious Motoyasu is to the lies of Malty, and also how detached he is from the real situation in this world. Plus, seeing Malty finally starting to be put down just feels satisfying. Like, come on, I’m pretty sure all of us hate her.
    Definitely the part where Filo nailed Motoyasu in the balls. That was hilarious and he totally deserved it.

    I’m just surprised he doesn’t mention Malty at all. I mean the ball kicking was pretty good and all but like, cmon.
  7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point)
    Hmmm. I…can’t really think of anything. Even though there were no extraordinary moments, the consistency made sure there really isn’t anything to complain about in these two episodes.

    I was a little annoyed at how they montaged through some stuff, though it’s understandable why they did it. But in a show that looks so good, a series of still-frame images was a bit off-putting.I…barely noticed the montage though. Even though it’s a montage, it was in a good place and helped with the pacing. We aren’t here to sit through training arcs, we are here to be introduced to a new character.

  8. What situation/decision/action is the most relatable to you in this episode and why?
    Filo kicking Motoyasu’s balls. GOTTEM.

    Honestly, Probably Filo kicking Motoyasu in the balls. It might sound weird, but sometimes my internal “douchebag detector” kinda goes off, and it’s very tempting…
    1 kick to Motoyasu’s balls = 1 Naofumi saved.
    Join our campaign today!

  9. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?
    Seeing the other two heroes help me in the castle during the spoil split, I would have probably said thank you or at least made some effort to reparate my relationship with them. It’s just me though, if I were in Naofumi’s shoes at that particular moment.
    Naofumi is honestly doing a pretty dang good job dealing with that cunt Myne. If it were me, I don’t know if I could have remained nearly as calm and collected as he manages to do…

    Oh, nevermind. He does actually mention her. Huh. Well I think the main reason why he’s so good at dealing with her now is that he’s just used to dealing with her shit. Conditioning does wonders.JUST LIKE HOW I’M USED TO DEALING WITH YOUR SHIT ASTRAL
  10. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot)



This is honestly a VERY nice looking baguette. I’m hungry now.
And no, I’m not pulling your legs this time. This is good.



He chose an interesting one here. This scene wasn’t particularly impressive, but I like the reflection. I’ll give him half a point for that.

Well, overall these two episodes were just a good return to form. I hope this trend just continues and we get more good stuff from Shield Hero.

Our next posts will hopefully not be delayed this time. Thank you all for patiently waiting!!!

I’ll make sure the idiot doesn’t get himself another concussion next time.

shield hero motoyasu heaven.PNG
Astral on his hospital bed, colourised, 2019.

Minor updates

In case you are wondering: “Where the heck is the collaboration post from Plyasm and Astral?

The answer is: The idiot gone and got himself a concussion. We will probably only resume it next week with a double post.

Even when he’s recovering, he’s still playing Monster Hunter World. Unsalvagable.

So yea, show some love to Astral while he recovers, and eagerly await the next post, I suppose.

Hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.

I apologise on behalf of that idiot.

made in abyss bow
Anime: Made in Abyss

Collaboration: Dororo Episode 4: Breaking the sword…and the trapped soul

Before I begin this post, thank you all for the likes and views! My dead blog is actually reviving…haha.

himouto happy

Time for the next one! In other news, I might be able to finish up a post that has been in draft for ages soon. Yes, I’m actually writing blog posts again! Wow! Amazing!

Anyways, this episode is already the 4th, meaning we are 1/3 of the way there, or 1/6 if we are getting a 2-cour. (I doubt we are only getting one cour though)
That said, Dororo has managed to maintain it’s high quality episodes jam packed with T H I C C P L O T. I’m loving it.

Shall we get to the episode review already?
If you are looking for episode 4 of Shield Hero, of which I actually have some interesting thoughts on too, it’s over at Astral’s blog here. Read it! It’s a good episode too! As always.

As always, the legend:

That one stupid guy that I’m collaborating with
Also me

  1. What are your general thoughts for this episode?
    Dororo still remains an incredible series, with amazing action direction yet again as well as great plot. I really just found myself fully enjoying the 20 minutes of watching this, gripped by what’s happening on the screen. Very nice.
    Well, we’ve got a rather interesting episode this week. A pretty good one, to be sure, but one that was rather different than the previous episodes we’ve had. Definitely as bonkers, however i’m not entirely sure where I stand on it as a whole quite yet… Hopefully these questions will help me sort out my feelings.Hmmm. Interesting thoughts from Astral to be honest. Didn’t expect him to be so conflicted.
  2. Did the episode fit your expectations, and in which ways did it differ from it?(If it does)
    Well, their journey did continue. However, it seems the monk is no longer with them. Bummer. But then again, I guess it would be pretty cheap if they have someone as strong as that monk with them…
    I think this episode was extremely different from what I was expecting, especially given the context of the previous episode. What happened to the old monk? Not even a mention of the prosthetics maker this time? It seems almost a bit disjointed from the main story that’s been building up so far.
    To be honest, yea, I feel Astral here. However, I think it’s pretty natural. The last episode was probably an arc by itself. They have already concluded introducing the prosthetics maker, and having the monk with them just wouldn’t make any sense, given how the monk is currently.
  3. What do you expect to happen from here on out?(and why) [Only for stuff never seen before]
    Well, now that Hyakkimaru got his hearing back, I can’t wait to see what he does with it. What would the ultra-hyper Dororo have to say about it? Even though their journey is steadily moving forward, I can’t help but hope it continues forever, while still wanting Hyakkimaru to get all of his body back at the same time. Next episode, I expect the lord to start to interfere with them, as the ending scene seemed to suggest.
    At this point… I don’t have a clue, honestly. With this episode coming out and distorting most of what I thought was going on so far in the show… I don’t really have any Idea where things could go from here.
    Pffft. Astral just not even thinking anymore from shock. Classic. Also stupid. 😉
    Astral is a stupid counter: 11
  4. Which scene do you think other people would react to differently?
    Hmmm. Probably to the guy’s persistence to get the cursed sword. I thought it’s actually quite understandable, since he has been broken since long ago. The sword’s desires have long since taken over him and therefore he isn’t human anymore. The fact that the guy didn’t slaughter his sister actually surprised me, I half expected him to go berserk just to get to his sword again.
    You know, I’m not really sure on this one… Perhaps the samurai brother having to kill the architect. A lot of times in our lives, we’re forced to do something to protect the things we care about, only to find ourselves bogged down deeper and deeper into the muck by what we’ve had to do.Hmm. Interesting choice by him, to be honest. The mental struggle by the samurai brother is something, that’s for sure.
  5. Which character did you like the most this episode? Have they done anything in particular/changed?
    It’s actually Dororo this time! Whoohoo! The little bugger has finally done some good things. Such as moving the plot along. Or resisting the pull of the sword. Or just overall being pretty darn cute this episode. I’m starting to like him.
    Most of the focus of the episode this time was on the Samurai brother, to be honest. His own personal character arc was pretty interesting. Heading to war for duty and honor, killing an innocent man in order to protect his sister, and becoming possessed by the demonic weapon and destroying everything he had been trying to protect… I kinda wish we could see more of him, honestly.

    Oooh, he chose the samurai brother. I actually wanted to choose him. It’s interesting, really, I still don’t know the fate of the brother or the sister.
  6. What’s the high point of the episode for you and why?
    The first fight between the swordsman and Hyakkimaru for sure. The action direction for this part was brilliant and I just couldn’t take my eyes off the action. Very nice.
    Again, the action. This show handles action with a touch and a care that is rarely appreciated these days. Everything feels so deliberate, every strike and movement has meaning, and finally being able to see Hyakkimaru go blade-to-blade with someone was just awesome.

    I see we are in agreement here. Very nice. If you are not seeing Dororo, you are missing out on this great action.
  7. What can be improved in this episode and why? (a.k.a low point)
    Hmm. Hard to say. Overall this episode was wrapped up nicely, but I guess it would have been nice to get more closure to what happened to the sister. She had a rough life.
    My main complaint with this episode is that it really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense given the context of the previous few episodes… it feels like we’re missing part of the story, and that keeps bugging me while watching it.

    He has a point, but as I’ve explained before, it isn’t too much. I expect them to give more context next episode.
  8. What situation/decision/action is the most relatable to you in this episode and why?
    I’m rummaging through my brain, but I really can’t think of any for this episode. Damn.
    Hmm… i’m not really sure on this one, actually. Lemme take a raincheck this time…

    This is a draw on the copout. RIP.
  9. Pick a situation from this episode. If you were put in this situation, how would you have handled it?
    Being Dororo when Hyakkimaru is coming at you(or the sword). If it were me, I would probably run just like Dororo. Hyakkimaru is one scary person when he’s seriously trying to kill you.
    I’ll go with when Dororo got himself possessed by the sword… Honestly if that happened to me, I’d probably be trying a bit harder to get someone to help me out. He was kind of complaining at the sword, but I would have probably at least tried calling out for help of some sort.

    Haha, Astral’s right for this. Dororo was kinda dumb, but still, maybe his speech was sealed?
  10. Most beautiful scene?(screenshot)

The accidental flasher.


I’m just kidding, yet again. It would actually be the last scene with the paper cranes. I love the symbolism here.




So Astral chose the fighting scene huh. Understandable, but I still like the paper crane symbolism more.

More fun facts!
I still kinda remember how to make paper cranes. It was during a lesson in…secondary school I believe? Either way, it was a lot of fun, and I know you need to start with like a square paper and everything.
Have the wikihow link for how to fold paper cranes in case you are interested.

And this is a bit late to say this now, but Dororo is actually a re-adaptation of an old series. I really like what they are doing, considering it’s been…50 years since the original anime showed. Damn. It’s about as impressive as the Hisone to Masotan(Kitsu link)’s ED being a cover of a 50 year old France Gal song.(link to that as well here, I love the dance!!!)(link to original song)

Either way, that’s about it for this episode. We both had different feelings about this, what did you think of this episode yourselves? Would love to see.